Design Values Out of the Mainstream: New Geographies of Influence

#endemic design #Global South #crafts #hybridization #transition

In geographical areas in which there is need today of establishing new economies, production of goods often relates either on traditional craft or imported industrialized plants. They do not see in the design field the chance to innovate objects as narrative tools with cultural reference.

With a wider view towards possible future developments of economies and cultures, the “Discourse of Transition” by Arturo Escobar reaches an unprecedent interest for design: there is a clear difference in forecasting planetary changes related to the Global North, where the debate goes towards degrowth and postgrowth, postcapitalist, posthuman and many other post-industrial ideas of liberation of the “machine”, while the Global South looks towards postdevelopment and biocentric, after a period of self-definition of its position in the world. Acknowledging these areas as new geographies of influence for the world of tomorrow, as driver of a “Civilizing Globalization”, the track welcomes contributions that explore design praxis and research in decentralised areas (i.e. in the Global South) beyond the Mainstream. It wants to showcase projects that establish an independent view on local industry and endemic design strategies, self-construction and craft, which eventually generate new aesthetics and recognition of human being’s skills. Moreover, the narration of experiences related to Advanced Design practices and processes, example of unconventional collaboration and networking, cross-fertilization between design, arts and technologies will complete the panorama of studies and projects of this track. 

CHAIR | Qassim Saad, Curtin University, Australia

CO-CHAIR | Andreas Sicklinger, University of Bologna

TRACK’S COLLABORATOR | Lorela Mehmeti, University of Bologna