There’s No Plan(et) B: Sustainable Transitions to Systemic Planet-Centric Design

#sustainability #transitions #systemics #planet-centricity #ethics

Along with the effects of climate change and the social unrest that has spread around the world in the past years, the recent health emergency for COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated inequalities and injustices at different scales, and has severely tested the resilience of individuals, communities, institutions, and businesses. Current crises, in their multiple manifestations, have exposed the profound instability affecting the planet and brought to the surface many complex situations that require urgent intervention.

In this scenario, design is once again called to reconsider, as a discipline and as a practice, its traditional role towards society and the environment, and to redefine its methods, tools, and processes to offer better solutions for products and services that not only do not harm our surroundings, but also contribute to healing the conflicts that affect both humans and all other beings that inhabit the planet and interrelate as a single living system. The challenge is therefore to encourage and facilitate transitions towards more sustainable and circular patterns of production and consumption, adopting a systemic and planet-centric approach, reinforcing the ethical responsibilities of design, and reaffirming its mediating role in the resolution of the wicked problems that characterise the contemporaneity. This track invites researchers, educators, practitioners, and students, to share their reflections and experiences concerning design-led processes that bring to the disruption with traditional practices and the transition to alternative forms of thinking and acting, aiming to address current crises and lay the foundations for more sustainable future.

CHAIR | Erik Ciravegna, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

CO-CHAIR | Clara Giardina, University of Bologna

TRACK’S COLLABORATOR | Davide Pletto, University of Bologna